
Hit the space bar to toggle between images. Click on the image (or press any other key) to go back to mouse mode.


Each image size is targeting a fraction of the default JPEG XL compressed size for the image. The Large size is 1/1, the Medium size is 1/2, the Small size is 1/3, and the Tiny size is 1/4.

The results from JPEG XL are complicated, because the quality setting actually dynamically chooses between normal mode and "modular" mode, so you're seeing two different modes of operation depending on what the quality level is. There's some chance that this behavior isn't monotonic, but it should be okay at high quality levels and it's better than the alternative (which was previously only using the normal mode).

This page is based on's Daala comparison page. Originally developed by xooyoozoo. This version is a fork of WyohKnott's improved version with additional updates and modifications (detailed below).

A list of sources for the images can be found in this text file.

Last updated: April 2024.

Changes vs. WyohKnott

Versions and Commands

AV1 (avifenc 1.0.4 + aom v3.8.2):

avifenc --depth 10 --yuv 444 --range full --speed 0 -c aom --min {quantizer} --max {quantizer} {input.png} {output.avif}

FLIF (FLIF 0.4):

flif -E 95 -Q {quality} {input.png} {output.flif}

HEIF (libheif 1.17.6):

heif-enc -p chroma=444 -p x265:p=veryslow -q {quality} -o {output.heif} {input.png}

jpegli (libjxl 0.10.2):

cjpegli --chroma_resampling=444 -d {quantizer} {input.png} {output.jpg}

JPEGXL (libjxl 0.10.2):

cjxl --resampling 1 -e 9 -d {quantizer} {input.png} {output.jxl}

JPEGXR (jxrlib 0.2.4):

JxrEncApp -d 3 -q {quality} -o {output.jxr} -i {input.ppm}

MozJPEG (mozjpeg 4.1.5):

cjpeg -sample 1x1 -quality {quality} -outfile {output.jpg} {input.png}